There are some Morse code program in Small Basic. But today I'd like to start creating new Morse program - Morse Telegraph Key. This program will be a good key input sample.
Challenges about Morse code
Following three challenges are about Morse code. And for example, program TCZ203 (by NaochanON) is a solution of a challenge (in October 2011).
- Challenge of the Month - December 2018
Harder Text Challenges
Write a program that automatically converts English text to Morse code and vice versa. - Challenge of the Month - February 2014
Text Challenges
Write a program to write and read Morse Code (dots and dashes) or even use sound in some way. - Challenge of the Month - October 2011
Easy Challenge
Write a program that will convert an English (or other language) sentence into Morse Code.
First step for Morse Telegraph Key
I started to write a new program Morse Telegraph Key. Program ID NHT122 is the first version 0.1a. This program just shows durations in millisecond between key down and key up. I will continue to modify this program and will report it on this blog later. Thanks.
Known Issues
- Keys space and return (enter) are not be available after click the Reset button.
- After click the text box, durations are not displayed correctly. Push Reset button to avoid that.